Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Awesome Saturday!

If I could figure out how to get my pictures onto the computer, I would so post those. D:

Well, it started off kinda lame, but then I talked to Kelly and I got the hairbrained idea to *gasp* WALK somewhere and have a 'lets spoil Amber day'. So I walked down the road, and got my nails done first.

It's been awhile since I've done that for myself. And I'm typing pretty well, so YAY for big nails anyway. ;P It seems as if flat nails are easier for me to type with than rounded nails. So yay for that. Kelly suggested I NOT go with a typical french manicure, because that's 'not really me', and then she threw out the idea of crazy colored tips, so I got metallic royal blue. With some flowers painted on my ring fingers. It looks COOL. :D

Then I walked a little further down the road to do my hair. I had no idea what I was going to do, but then, just like in a movie, the 'gay asian' of the place walked up, telling me he would give me sexy hair, and everyone was all 'oh yeah, that's the best guy we have, you're going to have awesome hair' XD So I got rid of my highlights, going back to my almost normal hair color, but you can still see the highlights A LITTLE, but to where they only look natural instead of OMG FREAKY BLONDE. :3 And I got black underneath (as per his suggestion) and bleached one strip of my hair. It looks friggen awesome.

THEN I walked down the road to Target and bought myself a Nikon Cool Pix, the older 2007 model (with Jen's target card to knock off some of the price. ^-^). And I took peektures! Yay for me having a camera. :D

I felt like a movie star yesterday. XD I had a lot of fun, talking with random people and making them laugh. 8D Almost intoxicating, really. I mean, to the point I was able to call and reconcile with my fam and I'm over here right now! Yayness.

All I gotta do is figure out how to get my peektures on the comptuer. :P

Friday, October 10, 2008



And I'm still alive.



I have no idea how to talk about appropriate things with my coworkers.


I forget they're all at least ten years older than me and junk. ^-^;;;

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

BAH HA, burfday.

I think it's really sad that I didn't realize my birthday was next Friday until I saw it on our work calendar in the main office today.

'Huh, my name is written on next Friday, I wonder-- O_O;;;; IS IT ALREADY MY 22 BIRTHDAY!?!?!'

XD;;; And I have nothing planned. EXCEPT that the VT Movie comes out the VERY NEXT DAY OMG.


Friday, September 26, 2008

A Special Thanks~

THANK WOO Kelly for my bootyfull background and junk. ^^ I will MAKE ZEE HEADAR TODAY. D8

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TIZZEH dream


... I have a VEGGIETALES dream this time. O.o I mean, not VEGTHRO, this time... it was the VEGGIES.

And actually, it would make an awesome episode. Kinda wish I worked for Big Idea so I could pitch this to them. I... anyway. This is the first appearance of veggie!Rodney and veggie!Richie in my subconscious. XD;;;; This either makes it infinitely more cool or dorky. OR BOTH!!!

8DI'm just going to call everyone by their real name instead of actor names... since it will make things less confusing to those people who aren't completely obsessed with VT. <<;;; It went back and forth in the dream.


So in my dream, I think me and Althea worked for Big Idea, and we were talking about how exciting it is that we were able to direct the new episode about Sibling Rivalry.

Which not only included veggie!Rodney and veggie!Richie, but was a revisit to Minnesota Cuke. ^-^ I know Lucca was talking about how this kind of made her laugh, since that's the only instance where she enjoys Larry/Petunia (in veggie form mainly) and Rodney burst in to shake things up. She still had reservations about the veggie forms of Rodney and Petunia being together, but in this episode, we both agreed it was kind of cute.

In the dream we had seen the episode before, but we were sitting down to watch it on DVD for the first time... at Crystal's place. I DO NOT KNOW WHY ME AND ALTHEA WERE THERE. D8

Anyway, as we turn on the DVD, the whole shift of the dream goes from 'we're watchign the DVD' to 'this is now what's happening!'.

So basically, it's Larry hopping around, all super grumpy that his brother is coming into town. "That guy is so annoying! He's always wanting to outshine me in everything I do! Stupid younger brothers... He's only my HALF brother too! GAH. He copies me, but tries to make it sound cooler! Like... he calls HIS profession 'treasure hunting'!" And he kinda goes on a rant about his brother.

Petunia is trying to comfort him, and saying that mimicking is the best kind of flattery, yadda yadda. But Larry is highly insistant that "Ohhhhh, NO IT ISN'T. Not when he tries to make it BETTER THAN WHAT YOU'RE ALREADY DOING. DX He's just an attention whore!"

Something to that affect. <<;; That or my subconcious didn't care that this was supposed to be a kids show.

When suddenly, Rodney bursts into the museum with some bags, and so does Richie. "HEY LAUREL." Petunia kinda sniggers, and Larry goes off.


Petunia starts cracking up at them. "It's obvious you two care about each other a lot... You wouldn't let that stuff get to you if you didn't care about him!"

Larry gets all grumpy and says an excuse and hops off. Then Richie comes in with some of his equipment, and him and Bob start talking about stuff... apparently Richie does for Rodney what Bob does for Larry. Rodney sets his sight on Petunia and blinks, apparently having just now noticed her. So of course, he comes on over and starts chatting it up.

"So, you're Minnie's girlfriend, huh?"

And Petunia starts laughing. "You have lots of mean nicknames for him, don't you? XD"

Rodney perks up. "Oh, you like those, huh? Well, I've got more if you want to hear them." And he rattles off more, Petunia laughing at each one. It was pretty cute. XD SHUT UP DON'T JUDGE ME VEGETABLES.

Then Rodney gets all grumpy after a bit. "You didn't answer my question! I asked if you're his girlfriend!"

She kinda shrugs. "Well... we used to date once upon a time... but we're not really any--"

Then he's all "GOOD! Because I think you're a lot of fun ;D" Petunia's all O.O "

And how old are you, kid?"

Rodney gets all grumpy. "Only like a couple years younger than Laurel! Sheesh, I don't look like a kid, do I?"


<<;;; I think other stuff happened, but it's a bit fuzzy after that. e.e;;; ...yuh. Will edit later if I can think of what happened. XD

Making my own look:

HOWEVA, I don't know html. SUNUVA BEYATCH. D: And my art for it looks sooooo coooo'.



...And I just had one of the DORKIEST dreams I've ever had.